AlternativesNow Sept 16, 2024 Serendipity
Serendipity “finding valuable or agreeable things not being sought for.” Reading through the book “Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom, I happened to see an email from a niece which questioned “Is aluminum in vaccines a major cause of autism?”
If enough of us would read and act on the information in the blog you could save family and friends the tragedy of autism….tragedy because the cause is not genetic or unknown
This issue is mainly quotes from that blog.
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?
CDC and NIH unable to find a single study that supports the safety of injecting aluminum adjuvants despite its widespread use in childhood vaccines. ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network - not
If most parents believed there was a nearly 3 percent chance of their child developing autism if they were vaccinated, you can imagine the impact on the vaccine program.
ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) – None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children licensed by the FDA were based on a long-term placebo-based trial. Chart on link)
Less than 1% of all adverse reactions are reported.
Vaccine Manufacturers do not have evidence that vaccines do or do not cause autism, and so they feel it ethical to say “they do NOT cause autism.
The big deal is that science has converged, and it’s converged on autism’s causation: autism is caused by immune activation events, something vaccines are designed to trigger. (that is why they put aluminum in)
Dr. Plotkin appears sociopathic. (“Vaccine expert”) The definition of the word is “lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.” I’m not sure what else to call someone who runs vaccine trials on orphans, the mentally disabled, and babies of moms in prison and then pens an op-ed justifying using the mentally ill for medical trials. It’s deeply disturbing thinking, and this is the man who has guided the vaccine industry’s ideology for fifty years. He’s also intolerant of anyone who may have a genuine religious objection to vaccines.
What did US District Judge Gladys E. Kessler find the tobacco companies guilty of? “Conspiracy.” Ever heard that word before used against autism parents?
It took forty-five years for a reckoning because right after the mice study, to actively muddy the waters, tobacco companies formed the “Tobacco Industry Research Committee” so they could challenge all scientific evidence implicating tobacco. The organization provided hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for research at many of the leading institutions in the country that could sow doubt about the tobacco-cancer link. Producing “distracting research” that would sow endless doubt about a fast-emerging certainty became their primary goal.
What if I told you that the only “Big” bigger than Big Tobacco was back in their heyday is today’s Big Pharma, the very industry that makes all these vaccines?
This also means there are 277 times more kids with autism today than there were thirty years ago. That’s a gain of almost 30,000 percent! An epidemic this severe has to have a simple explanation, just as the lung cancer epidemic had a simple explanation, too.
The Tobacco Playbook:
1. Science will be utilized to manufacture doubt and manipulate the media and the public. This includes funding new science and paying experts to support the safety of a product causing harm. This strategy was created and mastered by Big Tobacco and now, as I’ve mentioned, even has a name: The Tobacco Playbook.
2. Public relations firms will make a fortune from these deep-pocketed clients, and their job will be to meet with and alert members of the media on their client’s sponsored science while refuting any science from the opposing side.
Vioxx, the pain reliever manufactured by Merck, caused five hundred thousand heart attacks. This is the same Merck that is the largest vaccine maker in the world. During a class action lawsuit about Vioxx injury in Australia, internal Merck documents made the light of day, and they weren’t pretty. Apparently, Merck had a “doctor hit list” of any doctors who were speaking poorly of Vioxx to their patients, and an internal email offered up that “we may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live.”
In the Federal Court in Melbourne, documents were produced showing that Merck would also “stop funding to institutions” and “interfere with academic appointments” if any academic institutions produced research questioning Vioxx’s safety. And this is for a product that Merck already knew, based on their own research, was causing heart attacks.
If all parents believed they had a one in thirty-six chance of their child’s developing autism from vaccines, the vaccination rates would plummet.
And, if the pharmaceutical industry were proven to have created an epidemic of autism of several million children worldwide, the economic liability would be astronomical. Just doing some basic math, the average cost of lifetime care for a person with autism is estimated to be $2.4 million dollars. If every parent received that amount of money to care for just the 1.8 million American children with autism today (which is a low estimate of the total), the cost would be $4.32 trillion dollars. It would bankrupt the entire industry
Getting “Wakefielded” - some of the most trusted voices in the defense of vaccine safety: the American Academy of Pediatrics, Every Child By Two, and pediatrician Dr. Paul Offit. But CBS News has found these three have something more in common—strong financial ties to the industry whose products they promote and defend.
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?
If most parents believed there was a nearly 3 percent chance of their child developing autism if they were vaccinated, you can imagine the impact on the vaccine program.
Comment – and a 50% chance of getting an auto-immune disease…
ALERT -Autism rate in Marin County California drops following a drop in the vaccine rate!!!!
"You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say
again that you did not know." —William Wilberforce
This blog goes to relatively few people; please read it all and share it. All of us would deeply regret if someone we knew had a child that became autistic because we did not share this after receiving it. I know it is long, but with the knowledge it contains you have to information to save a family from a tragedy.
Best wishes, prayers and courage to do what is right. JGMD(Ret)